cast :
- Super Junior Members (main cast : Hyuk, Teuk, Kyu, Wook)
- Manager
- SoYoung
- other cast
genre :
comedy, fun, semi real
Author :
type :
One shoot semi series
this is just a fan fiction not a reality...... but all of the situation and place are based on reality... have a nice time to read.... ^_^
Train 03.00 PM KST
“aish… Hyeong!!! Woke up!!!!” Siwon shouted when he woke up and realized that some of Super Junior member are not in their place.
Yes they are get a vocation by train at Java island Indonesia after they held their SS4 Indonesia. They ride special train from Jakarta to Surabaya, East Java but in the way to get there some of member are missing.
“mwo?? Jinjja yo??” Jung Hoon manager surprised when he woke up.
“ne hyeong!!! They are gone. Look the seat are empty!!” Siwon said.
“aish…!!! Find out who is missing!!” he ordered to Siwon.
“ne hyeong!” Siwon replied.
Than he checked each carriage and realized that Teuk, Hyuk, Kyu and Wook are not in train.
“mmm hyeong….. “ he called Jung Hoon.
“ne? who is missing?” Joong Hoon asked him directly.
“Hyuk, Kyu, Wook and…… Teuk hyeong are missing…..” he replied with a shivering voice.
“MWO???!!!! 4 member???” Jung Hoon really surprised and suddenly he fall down at his sit after he stand up when Siwon Came few minutes ago.
All people are confused by this… they try to think how to find their hyeong and dongsaeng.
In the other place
12.30 PM

“Hyeong!! Over here!!! Here the road name board!!!” Kyu Shouted.
“ah MA-LI-O-BO-RO road??” Hyuk read it.
“aish is there any one can explain us where we are???” Teuk complaining.
“be patien hyeong I’ll find someone.. OK??!!” Wook said keep walking.
“AUCH!!!” a girl said when Wook crushed her and make her falling down.
“Aigooooo….” She said with a shivering voice when she try to stand.
“ah Sorry Sorry… are you OK??!” Wook asking worried if she get hurt.
“ah ne I’m fine” She replied.
“wait!” Wook shouted when she start to leaving.
“ne??” she answered while turning around.
“you speak Korean???” Wook wondering.
“Ne?” she surprised when Wook asked. She not realized when speak Korean…. She used it every day when she alone or just with her sister. But not when speak with other people.
“a a a yes… how you know?” She replied
“you say aigoooo, ne, it’s Korean words” Hyuk explaining.
“are you speak Korean?” Teuk ask her with a smooth voice.
“just a little…” she replied then smile.
“ah… would you helped us??” Kyu ask her.
“help you” she replied.
“yes helping us… we were lost.” Hyuk said.
“mmmm…. Where u stay?? Mmm Hotel??” She asked.
“not yet… we just arrived here and confused where we are…” Teuk explain it.
“ah what about looking a place for lunch? And we can explain everything there??” Kyu said.
“good idea. I’m hungry to..” Hyuk said.
“Mwo meogosipeoyo?” she asked.
“mmm pija meogosipeoyo??” Kyu suggested.
“mmmm up to u where u wanna bring us!” Teuk said.
“mmmmm…..” she thinking…
“we will pay for you too. You not need to worry bout it.” Teuk explaining. He afraid if she think that they ask her to treat them.
“hm…. What abou KFC? Kentucky Fried Chicken. I think it almost same with Kyochon CF.” She suggested.
“OK. up to you! You are the navigator.” Wook Said.
“OK. come on follow me “ She said.

“5 ticket to Mirota kampus.” She order Trans Jogja tickets to get in the Shelter waiting for the Bus.
“come in. one by one” she ordered.
“what is this?” Kyu asked.
“igeoyo? You mean the bus? Or?” she replied.
“yes explain us.” Wook said.
“OK. This is Trans Jogja. One off public transportasion here” she said.
“oh I see.” Kyu replied.
“Our Bus is come!” Hyuk said.
“Aniyo! Not that… we wait for the 3A not 1A.” She replied.
“ah what is the different?” Hyuk asked.
“it was different…. 1A is heading to Prambanan temple. And 3A is heading to Ngabean shelter than we will take off there for changing the bus to KFC.” She explained.
“ah OK!” Hyuk said.
After waiting for a while……
“come on prepare your self our bus is coming!” She said.
“ah OK!” Teuk said.
They get in the bus than change the bus as she said.
“hyeong!!! We wanna taking off the bus!!” Kyu wake Teuk up.
“oh ne?? OK.” Teuk said.
“come on” she said.
“lets go” Hyuk said
“hm over there.” She pointing a building. KFC Building.
“lets Go!!!” Kyu said.
“hm excuse me where is money changer?” Teuk said.
“hm its around Malioboro street.” She said.
“ah… jinjja?? Ahhh eotteoke…” Teuk confused.
“hm you really not have any Indonesian money?” she asked.
“just this” He give it to her.
“what about your friend?” she aske.
“they not have any Indonesian money just me that have it” Teuk said.
“ah OK ill pay hope that our money will enough for pay it.” She said.
All people are ordered. Teuk ordered something that not so expensive.
“you can order something more than that. We have enough money.” She said.
“ah really?” Teuk said.
“ne… don’t worry” she said.
“Ah OK!”
After all has their own food they start to eat. Korean people always wait for their friend when they eat together. So that they can eat together.
“Jal meokgeseumnida!!!” She Said.
“ah Jal Meokgeseumnida” they said it together.
“mmm nuna…” Kyu Said.
“hm ne??” She replied.
“how I call you?? I don’t know your name.” Kyu said.
“ah ne we not yet introducing each other.” She replied than smile.
“Jeoneun SoYoung imnida” She said.
"my name is KyuHyun… Cho KyuHyun.” Kyu said.
“mwo? KyuHyun? It’s a Super Junior magnae names.” She said.
“Yes its me the gaemgyu.” Kyu explained.
“NE? JINJJAYO??” She surprised. Than try to recognizing the other. “OMO!!! So you are Kyu, and you Hyuk, and you Wook and you Teuk??? Jinjjayo??” She said while pointing each of them when shouting their name.
“ne. ssshhhhhh. Don’t too loud please” Teuk said.
“ah… oh my god…. What is this?” she said almost wishpering. A lil bit shocked.
“hm we were lucky cuz there is no one else here” Teuk said.
“ah…. Joesonghamnida” SoYoung Said.
“hm anieyo…. But why u not call us oppa??” Hyuk wondering.
“cuz I’m older than all of you” SoYoung said.
“ah jinjja yo??” Kyu said.
“Ne oppa…” She teased Kyu.
“Aish Jinjjayo!!!” Kyu complaining.
“but I want you call me oppa.” Teuk said “cuz I’m the leader here.” Teuk added.
“OK oppa…” She said.
“I’m not. I’ll call you nuna cuz all girl call me oppa” Wook said.
“I’m with you Wook Hyeong” Kyu said. “is that OK nuna?” he added.
“ne.. gwaenchanayo” She said.
“nuna… are you a Kpoper?” Wook wondering.
“ne, majayo” She said while smiling.
“ah I see…. What about an ELF??” Hyuk said.
“mmmmmmm…… how I must answer it?” SoYoung said.
“just answer Yes or No!” Hyuk courioused.
“NE! I’m an ELF” SoYoung said.
“ah… finally hyeong we found an ELF that not scream when meet us… hahahahaha” Wook said.
“Ne? what u mean??” SoYoung asked.
“ah anieyo!!” Wook teasing her.
“Aishhh…. Jinjjayo!! Wooki-ah Told me!!” She forced Wook to explain.
“first Told us your bias!” Wook said.
“Mwo?? Waeyo??” She complained.
“come on, is he one of us???” Kyu said.
“hm…. OK I’m give up. Up to you!” Soyoung said.
“mwo?? Nuna… jinjjayo??? “ Kyu said.
“ne…..” She said.
“Hyuk ah… what are you thinking??” Teuk said.
“ah anieyo.” Hyuk replied.
“come on nuna…. Told us.” Kyu begged.
“aniyo!” she smiled.
“aish…….!!!” Wook surprised by the situation that canging so fast.
“Jal meogeosseumnida……” SoYoung said.
“Jal meogeoseumnida….. “ Teuk and Hyuk said together.
“Jal meogeoseumnida….. “ Kyu said.
“aish……” Wook complaining.
“come on we must go for looking the hotel.” Teuk said.
“ne hyeong” Wook, Kyu, and Hyuk said it together.
“SoYoung-ah we need a hotel can you bring us there?” Teuk Said.
“what kind of hotel oppa?” she asked.
“near some mall maybe or something like that.” Teuk explained.
“ah what about at Malioboro street??” SoYoung suggested.
“ah Joayo!” Teuk agreed “and near money changer?” he added.
“ne… of chourse” She replied.
“OK than lets go!” Teuk said.
“OK. We go by Trans Jogja again. Is that OK??” She asked.
“Ne…. gwaenchanayo” Kyu said.
Than they directed to Trans jogja shelter and wait for the bus.
“nuna… told me please..” Kyu begged.
“mwo?” SoYoung replied.
“your main bias!” Kyu answered.
“ah you still remember??” She said.
“of chourse. You make me curioused.” Kyu said.
“hahahahaha told me firs what Wook means than I’ll told you who is he.” She said.
“aish jinjjayo!!!” Wook complaining.
“hm…” SoYoung smiled.
“ah that is our bus ne?” Hyuk asked.
“ne, majayo” She replied.
“come on… “ Hyuk said.
“nuna that’s better that you are sit here.” Wook gived his sit.
“jinjjayo? Ah gamsahamnida.” She said.
After a while no conversation cuz there is so crowded…….
“ah at least im sit” Wook said while she sit beside SoYoung.
“ne….” SoYoung replied while smiling.
“nuna… told me please.” Wook said.
“hm preparing now told your hyeong we will off soon.” She said.
“jinjjayo??” Wook said
“ne, Jinjjayo.” She replied.
“OK” he said. “Hyeong prepare we wanna off soon.” Wook told Teuk.
“OK saeng! Gamsahamnida” Teuk replied.
“come on” SoYoung said.
Than they heading to the hotel around there… a hotel beside a mall there.
“Good afternoon what can I help you?” said the receiptionist.
“2 room please” Teuk said.
“single bed or double bed?” the receiptionist asking.
“double bed please” Teuk replied
“how long you wanna stay?” She asked
“about 2 or 3 days maybe” Teuk replied.
“here is Room number 204 and 205.” She said.
“can you give me 205 and 206?” Teuk said.
“oh OK here is Room 205 and 206’s keys” She gave the key “Bring them to room 205 and 206” She ordered to the bellboy.
“where is your suitcase sir?” the bellboy asked.
“we not bring suitcase, Can you show us the way to our room?” Kyu said.
“this way sir” He said.
“hm….. have a nice rest oppa, saeng” SoYoung said when they are get in to the room.
“waiiiiittttt!!!!” Kyu shouted while runing out his room.
“mwo?” SoYoung asked.
“your phone number” Kyu said, “phone number juseyo!!!!” He added.
“oh OK. Here is my number” She gave the paper after write down her number.
“ah don’t buy any food along Malioboro street It’s so expensive. That’s better tou buy Mc D or KFC or somerhing like that. Or it’s better you eat at the hotel restaurant.” She remining.
“ah ne… gamsahamnida nuna” Kyu said.
“annyeonghigaseyo!!!” Wook and Kyu shouted together infront of their door.
“annyeonghigyeseyo!!” SoYoung replied than leave them.
11.05 PM
Gyeolgug neon acha neon achahage doelgeol kkog acha
Wae neoman molla
Nae sum-i gappa tto gappa gappaonda
Tto dachyeo nal bachyeo neol mos nohchyeo
”aish almost midnight who called?” SoYoung murmured.
“Hello…. Who is this???”
“its me nuna… KyuHyun!!” a namja shouted in the other side.
“ah Kyu… waeyo call me now?? It is almost midnight.” SoYoung replied.
“just can’t sleep. And checked your number. Who knows that you lied?” Kyu said.
“aish I’m not a people like that!” SoYoung said.
“if u can answer tis guess I’ll have a conversation with you. Up to you how long. But if you can’t you must hang up the phone and let me sleep. Deal?” She said.
“DEAL!!” Kyu agreed.
“you have seen cat chassed by dog???” She asked
“ne” Kyu replied.
“why cat always looking back when dog chassed him?” She said
“mwo? Of chourse cuz of dog chassed him.” Kyu said.
“aniyo! Wrong.” She said.
“mwo???” Kyu complained.
“hahahaha… it seems like I can sleep now.” She said happily.
“mwo??? How it could be???” Kyu complaining. “OK you can sleep now but give me the answer first.” Kyu added.
“cuz of cat doesn’t have rearview mirror.” She answer it. “annyeonghijumuseyo… jaljayo evil”
“aish ne,… jaljayo….” Kyu answer than hung up the phone.
“jinjjayo? Rearview mirror? Aish she beat me!!!” Kyu murmured. Than go to bed.
Day 1 end see you at day 2 ^_^
posted by : @LeeSoYoung_soe
Facebook Fan Page : SoYoung The Kpopers
Please take full Credit if you share this.... credit me
“ah MA-LI-O-BO-RO road??” Hyuk read it.
“aish is there any one can explain us where we are???” Teuk complaining.
“be patien hyeong I’ll find someone.. OK??!!” Wook said keep walking.
“AUCH!!!” a girl said when Wook crushed her and make her falling down.
“Aigooooo….” She said with a shivering voice when she try to stand.
“ah Sorry Sorry… are you OK??!” Wook asking worried if she get hurt.
“ah ne I’m fine” She replied.
“wait!” Wook shouted when she start to leaving.
“ne??” she answered while turning around.
“you speak Korean???” Wook wondering.
“Ne?” she surprised when Wook asked. She not realized when speak Korean…. She used it every day when she alone or just with her sister. But not when speak with other people.
“a a a yes… how you know?” She replied
“you say aigoooo, ne, it’s Korean words” Hyuk explaining.
“are you speak Korean?” Teuk ask her with a smooth voice.
“just a little…” she replied then smile.
“ah… would you helped us??” Kyu ask her.
“help you” she replied.
“yes helping us… we were lost.” Hyuk said.
“mmmm…. Where u stay?? Mmm Hotel??” She asked.
“not yet… we just arrived here and confused where we are…” Teuk explain it.
“ah what about looking a place for lunch? And we can explain everything there??” Kyu said.
“good idea. I’m hungry to..” Hyuk said.
“Mwo meogosipeoyo?” she asked.
“mmm pija meogosipeoyo??” Kyu suggested.
“mmmm up to u where u wanna bring us!” Teuk said.
“mmmmm…..” she thinking…
“we will pay for you too. You not need to worry bout it.” Teuk explaining. He afraid if she think that they ask her to treat them.
“hm…. What abou KFC? Kentucky Fried Chicken. I think it almost same with Kyochon CF.” She suggested.
“OK. up to you! You are the navigator.” Wook Said.
“OK. come on follow me “ She said.

“5 ticket to Mirota kampus.” She order Trans Jogja tickets to get in the Shelter waiting for the Bus.
“come in. one by one” she ordered.
“what is this?” Kyu asked.
“igeoyo? You mean the bus? Or?” she replied.
“yes explain us.” Wook said.
“OK. This is Trans Jogja. One off public transportasion here” she said.
“oh I see.” Kyu replied.
“Our Bus is come!” Hyuk said.
“Aniyo! Not that… we wait for the 3A not 1A.” She replied.
“ah what is the different?” Hyuk asked.
“it was different…. 1A is heading to Prambanan temple. And 3A is heading to Ngabean shelter than we will take off there for changing the bus to KFC.” She explained.
“ah OK!” Hyuk said.
After waiting for a while……
“come on prepare your self our bus is coming!” She said.
“ah OK!” Teuk said.
They get in the bus than change the bus as she said.
“hyeong!!! We wanna taking off the bus!!” Kyu wake Teuk up.
“oh ne?? OK.” Teuk said.
“come on” she said.
“lets go” Hyuk said
“hm over there.” She pointing a building. KFC Building.
“lets Go!!!” Kyu said.
“hm excuse me where is money changer?” Teuk said.
“hm its around Malioboro street.” She said.
“ah… jinjja?? Ahhh eotteoke…” Teuk confused.
“hm you really not have any Indonesian money?” she asked.
“just this” He give it to her.
“what about your friend?” she aske.
“they not have any Indonesian money just me that have it” Teuk said.
“ah OK ill pay hope that our money will enough for pay it.” She said.
All people are ordered. Teuk ordered something that not so expensive.
“you can order something more than that. We have enough money.” She said.
“ah really?” Teuk said.
“ne… don’t worry” she said.
“Ah OK!”
After all has their own food they start to eat. Korean people always wait for their friend when they eat together. So that they can eat together.
“Jal meokgeseumnida!!!” She Said.
“ah Jal Meokgeseumnida” they said it together.
“mmm nuna…” Kyu Said.
“hm ne??” She replied.
“how I call you?? I don’t know your name.” Kyu said.
“ah ne we not yet introducing each other.” She replied than smile.
“Jeoneun SoYoung imnida” She said.
"my name is KyuHyun… Cho KyuHyun.” Kyu said.
“mwo? KyuHyun? It’s a Super Junior magnae names.” She said.
“Yes its me the gaemgyu.” Kyu explained.
“NE? JINJJAYO??” She surprised. Than try to recognizing the other. “OMO!!! So you are Kyu, and you Hyuk, and you Wook and you Teuk??? Jinjjayo??” She said while pointing each of them when shouting their name.
“ne. ssshhhhhh. Don’t too loud please” Teuk said.
“ah… oh my god…. What is this?” she said almost wishpering. A lil bit shocked.
“hm we were lucky cuz there is no one else here” Teuk said.
“ah…. Joesonghamnida” SoYoung Said.
“hm anieyo…. But why u not call us oppa??” Hyuk wondering.
“cuz I’m older than all of you” SoYoung said.
“ah jinjja yo??” Kyu said.
“Ne oppa…” She teased Kyu.
“Aish Jinjjayo!!!” Kyu complaining.
“but I want you call me oppa.” Teuk said “cuz I’m the leader here.” Teuk added.
“OK oppa…” She said.
“I’m not. I’ll call you nuna cuz all girl call me oppa” Wook said.
“I’m with you Wook Hyeong” Kyu said. “is that OK nuna?” he added.
“ne.. gwaenchanayo” She said.
“nuna… are you a Kpoper?” Wook wondering.
“ne, majayo” She said while smiling.
“ah I see…. What about an ELF??” Hyuk said.
“mmmmmmm…… how I must answer it?” SoYoung said.
“just answer Yes or No!” Hyuk courioused.
“NE! I’m an ELF” SoYoung said.
“ah… finally hyeong we found an ELF that not scream when meet us… hahahahaha” Wook said.
“Ne? what u mean??” SoYoung asked.
“ah anieyo!!” Wook teasing her.
“Aishhh…. Jinjjayo!! Wooki-ah Told me!!” She forced Wook to explain.
“first Told us your bias!” Wook said.
“Mwo?? Waeyo??” She complained.
“come on, is he one of us???” Kyu said.
“hm…. OK I’m give up. Up to you!” Soyoung said.
“mwo?? Nuna… jinjjayo??? “ Kyu said.
“ne…..” She said.
“Hyuk ah… what are you thinking??” Teuk said.
“ah anieyo.” Hyuk replied.
“come on nuna…. Told us.” Kyu begged.
“aniyo!” she smiled.
“aish…….!!!” Wook surprised by the situation that canging so fast.
“Jal meogeosseumnida……” SoYoung said.
“Jal meogeoseumnida….. “ Teuk and Hyuk said together.
“Jal meogeoseumnida….. “ Kyu said.
“aish……” Wook complaining.
“come on we must go for looking the hotel.” Teuk said.
“ne hyeong” Wook, Kyu, and Hyuk said it together.
“SoYoung-ah we need a hotel can you bring us there?” Teuk Said.
“what kind of hotel oppa?” she asked.
“near some mall maybe or something like that.” Teuk explained.
“ah what about at Malioboro street??” SoYoung suggested.
“ah Joayo!” Teuk agreed “and near money changer?” he added.
“ne… of chourse” She replied.
“OK than lets go!” Teuk said.
“OK. We go by Trans Jogja again. Is that OK??” She asked.
“Ne…. gwaenchanayo” Kyu said.
Than they directed to Trans jogja shelter and wait for the bus.
“nuna… told me please..” Kyu begged.
“mwo?” SoYoung replied.
“your main bias!” Kyu answered.
“ah you still remember??” She said.
“of chourse. You make me curioused.” Kyu said.
“hahahahaha told me firs what Wook means than I’ll told you who is he.” She said.
“aish jinjjayo!!!” Wook complaining.
“hm…” SoYoung smiled.
“ah that is our bus ne?” Hyuk asked.
“ne, majayo” She replied.
“come on… “ Hyuk said.
“nuna that’s better that you are sit here.” Wook gived his sit.
“jinjjayo? Ah gamsahamnida.” She said.
After a while no conversation cuz there is so crowded…….
“ah at least im sit” Wook said while she sit beside SoYoung.
“ne….” SoYoung replied while smiling.
“nuna… told me please.” Wook said.
“hm preparing now told your hyeong we will off soon.” She said.
“jinjjayo??” Wook said
“ne, Jinjjayo.” She replied.
“OK” he said. “Hyeong prepare we wanna off soon.” Wook told Teuk.
“OK saeng! Gamsahamnida” Teuk replied.
“come on” SoYoung said.
Than they heading to the hotel around there… a hotel beside a mall there.
“Good afternoon what can I help you?” said the receiptionist.
“2 room please” Teuk said.
“single bed or double bed?” the receiptionist asking.
“double bed please” Teuk replied
“how long you wanna stay?” She asked
“about 2 or 3 days maybe” Teuk replied.
“here is Room number 204 and 205.” She said.
“can you give me 205 and 206?” Teuk said.
“oh OK here is Room 205 and 206’s keys” She gave the key “Bring them to room 205 and 206” She ordered to the bellboy.
“where is your suitcase sir?” the bellboy asked.
“we not bring suitcase, Can you show us the way to our room?” Kyu said.
“this way sir” He said.
“hm….. have a nice rest oppa, saeng” SoYoung said when they are get in to the room.
“waiiiiittttt!!!!” Kyu shouted while runing out his room.
“mwo?” SoYoung asked.
“your phone number” Kyu said, “phone number juseyo!!!!” He added.
“oh OK. Here is my number” She gave the paper after write down her number.
“ah don’t buy any food along Malioboro street It’s so expensive. That’s better tou buy Mc D or KFC or somerhing like that. Or it’s better you eat at the hotel restaurant.” She remining.
“ah ne… gamsahamnida nuna” Kyu said.
“annyeonghigaseyo!!!” Wook and Kyu shouted together infront of their door.
“annyeonghigyeseyo!!” SoYoung replied than leave them.
11.05 PM
Gyeolgug neon acha neon achahage doelgeol kkog acha
Wae neoman molla
Nae sum-i gappa tto gappa gappaonda
Tto dachyeo nal bachyeo neol mos nohchyeo
”aish almost midnight who called?” SoYoung murmured.
“Hello…. Who is this???”
“its me nuna… KyuHyun!!” a namja shouted in the other side.
“ah Kyu… waeyo call me now?? It is almost midnight.” SoYoung replied.
“just can’t sleep. And checked your number. Who knows that you lied?” Kyu said.
“aish I’m not a people like that!” SoYoung said.
“if u can answer tis guess I’ll have a conversation with you. Up to you how long. But if you can’t you must hang up the phone and let me sleep. Deal?” She said.
“DEAL!!” Kyu agreed.
“you have seen cat chassed by dog???” She asked
“ne” Kyu replied.
“why cat always looking back when dog chassed him?” She said
“mwo? Of chourse cuz of dog chassed him.” Kyu said.
“aniyo! Wrong.” She said.
“mwo???” Kyu complained.
“hahahaha… it seems like I can sleep now.” She said happily.
“mwo??? How it could be???” Kyu complaining. “OK you can sleep now but give me the answer first.” Kyu added.
“cuz of cat doesn’t have rearview mirror.” She answer it. “annyeonghijumuseyo… jaljayo evil”
“aish ne,… jaljayo….” Kyu answer than hung up the phone.
“jinjjayo? Rearview mirror? Aish she beat me!!!” Kyu murmured. Than go to bed.
Day 1 end see you at day 2 ^_^
posted by : @LeeSoYoung_soe
Facebook Fan Page : SoYoung The Kpopers
Please take full Credit if you share this.... credit me
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