Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Barbie-Angel (Chapter 3 end)

Park Jung Soo a.k.a Leeteuk Suju
Lee Park Bom a.k.a Park Bom 2NE1
Other casts

Length: chapter
Rate: adult(17+)
Genre: romance, sadistic, thriller

Pov: mix

Author: Marant Jojo

Disclaimer: Semua cast dan komponen di ff ini semua adalah milik Tuhan. Namun, semua plot milik saya sebagai author. Just fiction! But, I don’t know jika cerita ini suatu saat akan menjadi nyata J

Summary: Sifat seseorang bisa berubah kapan saja, entah dengan alasan apapun. Begitu juga dengan seorang ‘Angel’ dapat berubah menjadi seorang ‘Evil”. Rasa benci bisa menjadi cinta dan begitu sebaliknya. Penyesalan adalah satu kata yang selalu menghantui diri seseorang yang berdosa.


SM Entertainment’s Building, Seoul
07.26 pm KST

“. . . berita mengejutkan datang dari Leader Super Junior, Leeteuk. Setelah sempat menghilang dan tidak di ketahui keberadaannya, sore ini ia kembali dengan sebuah kejutan. Ia mendatangi kantor salah satu stasiun televisi dan diam-diam telah mengadakan konferensi pers. Tentunya, pihak SM Entertainment tak mengetahui akan hal ini. . .” ujar pembawa berita.

Di layar kaca, terlihat Leeteuk sedang berjalan sembari menggandeng Bom yang berjalan di belakangnya, mereka menuju tempat berlangsungnya konferensi pers dadakan tersebut.

“Shittt!!! Apa-apaan ini? kenapa kita bisa sampai kecolongan?” gerutu Young Min.

“ssttt!!! Diamlah! Dengarkan pernyataannya.” Ujar Soo Man yang duduk di sampingnya.

“jeongmal mianhae karena ini sangat tiba-tiba. Beberapa hari yang lalu, aku memang melarikan diri bersama

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Korean Learn Numbers (number part 3)

1. phone numbers. tha separated (-) = 의 read "e (a in english)" example 022-456789 read as gongiie saoyuk chilphalgu 공이이의 사오육칠팔구
2. se 세 unit can use to state the age of someone but we must remember that the used numbers are korean sino numbers. example 80 세 / 팔십세 = 80 years old

simple math
1. (+) is deohagi 더하기
2. (-) paegi 빼기
3. (x) gophagi 곱하기
4. (:) nanugi 나누기
5. (=) eun/neun 은/는 example
25 + 38 = 63 (isibo deohagi samsipphareun yuksipsam 이십우 더하기 삼십팔은 육십삼)
3 x 3 = 9 (sam gophagi sameun gu 삼 곱하기 삼은 구)

the (,) is khoma 코마 example
1. 0,5 = gong khoma o 공 코마 오
2. 3,8 = sam khoma phal 삼 코마 팔

for the fraction (/) read as buneui 분의 example
1. 1/2 = i buneui il 이 분의 일
2. 3/4 = sa buneui sam 사 분의 삼

finish all hm no you can count, state the date, shout your age an doing simple math hope this helping

Posted by : @LeeSoYoung_soe
Facebook Fan Page : SoYoung The Kpopers
Please take full Credit if you share this.... credit me SoYoungTheKPopers.blogspot.com

Korean Sino Number (number part 2)

korean sino number

1 is il 일
2 is i 이
3 is sam 삼
4 is sa 사
5 is o 오
6 is yuk 육
7 is chil 칠
8 is phal 팔
9 is gu 구
10 is sip 십
11 is sibil 십일
12 is sibi 십이
13 is sipsam 셉삼
14 is sipsa 십사
15 is sibo 십오
16 is sibyuk 십육
17 is sipchil 십칠
18 is sipphal 십팔
19 is sipku 십구

Korean Number (number part 1)

first that we must know is korean has 2 numbers one is korean numbers an the other is Korean sino numbers which is take from chinese numbers and the first number that we wanna learn is korean number

korean numbers
1 is hana 하나
2 is dul 둘
3 is set 셋
4 is net 넷
5 is daseot 다섯 6 is yeoseot 여섯
7 is ilgop 일곱
8 is yeodeol 여덟
9 is ahop 아홉

Korean Learn (writing and pronounced part 2)

when batchim (밭침) or final consonant meet with special letter
1. when ㄱ,ㄲ,ㅋ meet with ㄴ and ㅁ it will pronounced as ng (ㅇ) example 먹는다 read as 멍는다 (meongneunda)
2. when ㄷ, ㅌ, ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅎ meet with ㄴ and ㅁ pronounced as n example 옷만 read as 온만 (onman)
3.when ㅂ and ㅍ meet with ㅁ and ㄴ pronounced as ㅁ example 입니다 read as 임니다 (imnida)
4. when ㄴ meet with ㄹ or ㄹ meet with ㄴ pronounced as ㄹ+ㄹ (l) example 연락 read as 열락 (yeollak)
5. when ㄷ, ㅌ meet with 이 pronounced as ㅈ, ㅊ example 맏이 read as 마지 (maji), 같이 read as 가치 (gachi)
ㄷ->ㅈ, ㅌ->ㅊ

the 밭침 were deleted or not pronounced if meet special letter

1. ㅎ was unpronounced when it is lay between letter (ㄴ,ㄹ, and vowels) and letter (vowel and ㄴ) example
많아요 read as 만+아요 = 마나요 (manayo), 좋냐 read as 조냐 (jonya)
2. when ㅏ meet ㅏ one of them are deleted. example 가 + 아요 = 가요 (gayo)
3. when ㅡ meet with ㅏ or ㅓ it will deleted. example 바쁘다 -> 바쁘 + 아요 = 바빠요 (bappayo)

sound changing
letters ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅈ read as ㄲ, ㄸ, ㅃ, ㅆ, ㅉ when it lay after batcim ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ
ㄱ->ㄲ : 먹고 read as 목꼬 (meokko)
ㄷ->ㄸ : 막다 read as 먹따 (meokta)
ㅂ->ㅃ : 먹보 read as 먹뽀 (meokpo)
ㅅ->ㅆ : 믿습니다 read as 믿씁니다 (mitseumnida)
ㅈ->ㅉ : 먹지 read as 먹찌 (meokci)


when ㅎ meet with ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, and ㅈ will be pronounced as ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, and ㅊ
even ㅎ laid infront of the letters or behind the letters example.
좋고 read as 조코 (jokho)
잡히다 read as 자피다 (japhida)

if the batchim meet with vowel pronounced with spliced.... example..
일어나다 read as 이러나다 (ireonada) 

the last is ㄱ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅂ, ㅈ read as g, d, r, p, j. if it lays between vowels. example...
먹어요 (meokeoyo) read as 머거요 (meogeoyo)
알아요 (alayo) read as 아라요 (arayo)

hoah.... finished for all rule now we need to increase our vocab ^_^
and hope this will help you.... gomawo.....

Posted by : @LeeSoYoung_soe
Facebook Fan Page : SoYoung The Kpopers
Please take full Credit if you share this.... credit me SoYoungTheKPopers.blogspot.com

Barbie-Angel (Chapter 2)

Park Jung Soo a.k.a Leeteuk Suju
Lee Park Bom a.k.a Park Bom 2NE1
Other casts

Length: chapter
Rate: adult(17+)
Genre: romance, sadistic, thriller
Pov: mix

Author: Marant Jojo

Disclaimer: Semua cast dan komponen di ff ini semua adalah milik Tuhan. Namun, semua plot milik saya sebagai author. Just fiction! But, I don’t know jika cerita ini suatu saat akan menjadi nyata J

Summary: Sifat seseorang bisa berubah kapan saja, entah dengan alasan apapun. Begitu juga dengan seorang ‘Angel’ dapat berubah menjadi seorang ‘Evil”. Rasa benci bisa menjadi cinta dan begitu sebaliknya. Penyesalan adalah satu kata yang selalu menghantui diri seseorang yang berdosa.


Author’s Pov

SM entertainment’s Building, Seoul
08.27 pm KST

“telah di beritakan, bahwa saat ini YG sedang di rundung masalah. Ini terkait tentang rumor bahwa Park Bom 2NE1 telah di culik dan di perkosa. Keadaan anggota tertua 2NE1 tersebut semakin lama semakin memburuk. Ia sudah tak memiliki semangat hidup kembali. Hal ini di khawatirkan, jika sewaktu-waktu Park Bom bisa saja melakukan aksi bunuh diri. . . .” ujar pembawa berita di televisi.

“yeahh!!! Kita berhasil. Kau memang hebat Jung Soo~ah. Daebak!!!!!” ujar Lee Soo Man girang. Young

Monday, February 13, 2012

Korean Learn (writing and pronounced part 1)

writing syllable :

1. v + v (side by side) -> ㅇ+ㅏ=아 (a), ㅇ+ㅣ= 이 (i)
2. c + v (siide by side) -> ㄱ+ㅣ=기 (gi), ㄹ+ㅏ=라 (ra)
3. v + v (above and under) -> ㅇ+ㅗ=오 (o), ㅇ+ㅡ=으 (eu)
4. c + v (above and under) -> ㄱ+ㅗ=고 (go), ㅅ+ㅜ=수 (su)
5. v + c (above and under) -> 아+ㄴ=안 (an), 이+ㅁ=임 (im)
6. c (above) + v (above) + c (under) -> ㄱ+ㅣ+ㅁ=김 (gim), ㅃ+ㅏ+ㅇ=빵 (ppang)
7. c (above) + v (midle) + c (under) -> ㄱ+ㅡ+ㄹ=글 (geul), ㅈ+ㅗ+ㅁ=좀 (jom)

final consonant (batchim / 밭침)

1. ㄱ, ㄲ, ㅋ read as -k, example : 학 (hak), 밖 (bak), 엌 (eok)
2. ㄴ read as -n example : 반 (ban)
3. ㄷ, ㅌ, ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅎ read as -t example : 끝 (kkeut), 옷 (ot)
4. ㄹ read as -l example : 칠 (chil)
5. ㅁ read as -m example : 봄 (bom)
6. ㅂ, ㅍ read as -p example : 밥 (bap), 옆 (yeop)
7. ㅇ read as -ng example : 방 (bang)

combined final consoant first letter. the first letter that we used or pronounced

1. ㄱㅅ pronounced as ㄱ example 몫 read as 목 (mok)
2. ㄴㅈ pronounced as ㄴ example 앉다 read as 안다 (anta)
3. ㄴㅎ pronounced as ㄴ example 많타 read as 만타 (mantha)
4. ㄹㄱ pronounced as ㄹ example 읽꼬 read as 일꼬 (ilkko)
5. ㄹㅂ pronounced as ㄹ example 넓다 read as 널다 (neolta)
6. ㄹㅅ pronounced as ㄹ example 곬 read as 골 (gol)
7. ㄹㅎ pronounced as ㄹ example 잃 read as 일다 (ilda)
8. ㄹ pronounced as ㄹ example 핥다 read as 할다 (halta)
9. ㅂㅅ pronounced as ㅂ example 없 read as 업 (eop)

combined final consonants, second letter that pronounced

1. ㄹㄱ pronounced as ㄱ example 닭 read as 닥 (dak)
2. ㄹㅁ pronounced as ㅁ example 젊 read as 점 (jeom)
3. ㄹㅂ pronounced as ㅂ example 밟 read as 밥 (bap)
4. ㄹㅍ pronounced as ㅍ example 읊 read as 읖 (eup)
numb 1 and 3 you can choose between the first letter or the second letter hope u can understand...

Posted by : @LeeSoYoung_soe
Facebook Fan Page : SoYoung The Kpopers
Please take full Credit if you share this.... credit me SoYoungTheKPopers.blogspot.com

2NE1 [Profile]

2NE1 performing live in concert in Hanoi, Vietnam

2NE1 (Korean: 투애니원; two-eh-nee-one) is a four-member South Korean hip-hop/pop girl group formed byYG Entertainment in 2009. The band consists of four members: CL, Minzy, Dara, and Bom . The name 2NE1 combines the phrases "21st century" and "new evolution",[1] and is pronounced "twenty-one" or "to anyone".[2]

They first appeared in "Lollipop", a commercial campaign with Big Bang for LG Electronics, and their debut single "Fire" was released on May 6, 2009. Since then, the group has released two extended plays, 2NE1and 2NE1 2nd Mini Album, and one studio album, To Anyone. Their first EP, 2NE1 spawned the number-one single ""I Don't Care", which won them the "Song of the Year" award from the Mnet Asian Music Awards. Their follow-up singles, such as "Go Away", "Lonely" and "I Am The Best" were similarly successful.

2NE1 officially debuted in Japan in September 2011 with a mini album titled NOLZA, which contained re-made versions of their Korean songs. Since then, the group has released one mini-album NOLZA and one physical single "Go Away".

Representing South Korea, 2NE1 emerged as the winner in the voting competition for "Best New Band", which was an international competition held by MTV Iggy. The band was officially crowned the winner on November 10, 2011.

Fans of 2NE1 are called Blackjacks, which is a reference to the card game Blackjack, also known as Twenty-one.

Bom 봄
Real Name : Park Bom 박봄
Birth date : March 24, 1984
Position : Main Vocalist
Height : 165cm 
Blood type : AB

Dara 산다라
Real Name : Park Sandara 박산다라 
Birth date : November 12, 1984 
Position : Vocalist, Visual
Height: 162cm
Blood type: A

CL 채린 
Real Name : Lee Chae-rin 이채린 
Birth date : February 26, 1991 
Position : Leader, Main Rapper, Vocalist
Height : 162cm
Blood type : A

Minzy 민지 
Real Name : Gong Minji 공민지 
Birth date : January 18, 1994 
Position : Maknae, Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Rapper
Height: 161cm 
Blood type: O

Credit : Wikipedia, ImagesGoogle.
Posted by : @LeeSoYoung_soe
Facebook Fan Page : SoYoung The Kpopers
Please take full Credit if you share this.... credit me SoYoungTheKPopers.blogspot.com

Korean Learn part 3 (colour)

colour =saek (색)

red = palgangsaek (빨강색)
dark red = dahongsaek (다홍색)
maroon = bamsaek (밤색)
orange = juhwangsaek (주황색)
yellow = norangsaek (노랑색)
green = choroksaek (초록색)
light green = yeondusaek (연두색)
blue = pharangsaek (파랑색)
dark blue = namsaek (남색)
aquamarine = badasaek (바다색)
light blue = cheongsaek (청색)
sky blue = haneulsaek (하늘색)
purple = borasaek (보라색)
black = geomjeongsaek (검정색)
white = heinsaek (흰색)
gray = hoesaek (회색)
gold = geumsaek (금색)
silver = eunsaek (은색)
brown = galsaek (갈색)

hope this will help you....

Posted by : @LeeSoYoung_soe
Facebook Fan Page : SoYoung The Kpopers
Please take full Credit if you share this.... credit me SoYoungTheKPopers.blogspot.com

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Learn Korean part 2 (Simple conversation sentence)

Yes = ye 예 or ne 네

No = aniyo 아니요

Excuse me = sillyehamnida 실례합니다

That's OK! / no problem = gwaenchanayo 괜찮아요 or gwaenchansemnida 괜찮습니다

Really? = jeongmarimnika? 정말입니까? Or jeongmalyo? 정말요?

Take care = josimhaseyo 조심하세요

Off chourse = mulonimnida 물론입니다

Congratulations = chukhahamnida 축하합니다

True = matsseumnida 맞슴니다

False = theullimnida 틀립니다

What are you doing? = mwo hago isseumnika? 뭐하고 있읍니까?

When? = eonjeyo? 언제요?

Where? = eodiyeyo? 어디예요
I don't know = moreumnida 모릅니다 or mollayo 몰라요

Why? = waeyo? 왜요?

Don't forget = ijeobeoriji maseyo 잊어버리지 마세요

Always = Eonjena 언제나

Which one? = eoneugeoyeyo? 어느거예요?

Wait for a minute = gidariseyo 기다리세요

No one = amundo eopseoyo 아무도 없어요

No things = amugeotto eopseoyo 아무것 도 없어요

Yes, I understand = ne, algesseumnida 네, 알겠습니다

I'm not understand = moreugesseumnida 모르겠습니다

Good = jal haesseumnida 잘 했습니다

Thank you = gamsahamnida 감사합니다 or gomapsemnida 고맙습니다 or gomawoyo 고마워요. Or you can say gomawo 고마워

Your welcome = cheonmaneyo 천만에요

Thank you = sugohaesseoyo 수고했어요 (for business)

I'm sorry = mianhamnida 미안합니다 or mianhaeyo 미안해요 or mianhae 미안해.

Have a time? = sigani isseoyo? 시간이 있어요

Oh, like that? = a, geuraeyo? 아, 그래요

how are you? = eotteoke jinaesseoyo? 어 떻게 지냈어요?

i'm fine = jal jinaesseoyo 잘 지냈어요

hm... hope this will help you all chingu.... ^_^

posted by : @LeeSoYoung_soe
Facebook Fan Page : SoYoung The Kpopers
Please take full Credit if you share this.... credit me SoYoungTheKPopers.blogspot.com

Barbie-Angel (Chapter 1)

Park Jung Soo a.k.a Leeteuk Suju
Lee Park Bom a.k.a Park Bom 2NE1
Other casts

Length: chapter
Rate: adult(17+)
Genre: romance, sadistic, thriller
Pov: mix

Author: Marant Jojo

Disclaimer: Semua cast dan komponen di ff ini semua adalah milik Tuhan. Namun, semua plot milik saya sebagai author. Just fiction! But, I don’t know jika cerita ini suatu saat akan menjadi nyata J

Summary: Sifat seseorang bisa berubah kapan saja, entah dengan alasan apapun. Begitu juga dengan seorang ‘Angel’ dapat berubah menjadi seorang ‘Evil”. Rasa benci bisa menjadi cinta dan begitu sebaliknya. Penyesalan adalah satu kata yang selalu menghantui diri seseorang yang berdosa.


Leeteuk’s Pov

SM Entertainment’s building, Seoul
10.56 pm KST

Malam ini, Soo Man sajangnim memanggilku, manajer hyung mengatakan bahwa ada suatu hal penting yang harus di sampaikan padaku.

Setelah melewati koridor gedung yang nampak sepi, akhirnya aku sampai di ruangan besar, ruangan tempat pertemuan CEO dengan para relasi perusahaan.

Kubuka pintu besar di hadapanku, dan ku dapati ada dua orang namja yang sangat ku hormati.

“annyeonghaseo, Soo Man sajangnim, Young Min sajangnim.” Sapaku sembari membungkuk pada dua orang yang sedang duduk di hadapanku.

Setelah habis masa tugas Soo Man sajangnim menjadi CEO agency-ku, kini Young Min sajangnim telah menggantikannya.

“duduklah.” Ujar Soo Man sajangnim mempersilahkan, sementara Young Min sajangnim hanya menatapku tanpa ekspresi.

“kau pasti sudah tahu, bukan? Di luar sana, banyak netizen yang memakiku.” Ujar Soo Man sajangnim tenang. Ya, tentunya aku sudah mengetahui tentang hal tersebut.

“aku tak mau bertele-tele.” Sergah Young Min sajangnim, pandanganku pun beralih padanya.

“aku tak peduli tentang komentar-komentar netizen yang murahan itu, entah tantangku maupun tentang Soo Man. Yang jelas disini,

aku memanggilmu bermaksud untuk bekerjasama denganmu.” Jelas Young Min sajangnim, aku pun hanya mengernyitkan dahi, aku tak mengerti maksud perkataannya.

“kau pasti mengerti, bukan? Jika selama ini saingan terberat kita adalah agency milik Yang Hyun Suk. Maka

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Korean alphabet (Consonant)

single consonants
ㄱ = g/k
ㄴ = n
ㄷ = d/t
ㄹ = r/l
ㅁ = m ㅂ = b/p
ㅅ = s
ㅈ = j
ㅊ = ch
ㅋ = kh
ㅌ = th
ㅍ = ph
ㅎ = h
ㅇ = _ng or not sounded
the letter that has 2 romanization letter eg. ㄱ = g/k it willl read as "g" if lays at the front of syllable and it will read as "k" if lays at end of syllable or batchim

double consonant
ㄲ = kk
ㄸ = tt
ㅃ = pp
ㅆ = ss
ㅉ = c

writing vowel or vocals :
we must write ㅇ infront or above the vowel letter if not it will be no sound or can't readed example :
a -> ㅇ+ㅏ=아 o -> ㅇ+ㅗ=오
wa -> ㅇ+ㅘ=와

hm.... hope you understand ^_^ next is joining the consonants and vowels ready for it?

posted by : @LeeSoYoung_soe
Facebook Fan Page : SoYoung The Kpopers
Please take full Credit if you share this.... credit me SoYoungTheKPopers.blogspot.com

Friday, February 3, 2012

Aishiteru, Nado Saranghae!

Nam Woohyun (Infinite)
Tomomi Itano (AKB48)
Other cast.

Length: 1s
Rate: PG-15
Genre: romance, angst, AU
Pov: mix (Woohyun&author)

Author: Marant Jojo


Tokyo, Japan

Pagi ini langit Tokyo nampak bersahabat, Mentari yang mereka agungkan pun menunjukkan keperkasaannya.

Terlihat seorang yeoja yang duduk termenung di ‘batang’ jendela kamarnya. Kicauan puluhan burung gereja yang menyapanya pun tak ia hiraukan, serta udara pagi yang menyentuh rambut cokelat-panjangnya. Entah apa yang dipikirkan oleh yeoja yang kini memakai long-dress putih tersebut. Rumah bergaya klasik dengan empat lantai itupun nampak serasi dengan pakaian yeoja tersebut, yang juga memakai warna lambang kesucian.

“Tomomi-san, cepat kau bereskan pakaianmu!” Terdengar teriakan dari seorang yeoja paruh baya yang kini sudah rapih dengan blezzer karya designer ternama di Jepang tersebut.

Lonely (Donghae-Sandara)

Lee Donghae Suju
Sandara Park 2ne1
Other Cast.

Length: 1s
Rate: PG-17
Genre: romance, semi mistery
Pov: mix

Author: Marant Jojo

Summary: Sebuah sugesti dapat meyakinkan seseorang kepada sebuah kepercayaan. Dan dengan keyakinan tersebut, suatu hal dapat terjadi di kehidupan nyata.


Author’s Pov

In the Curch, Seoul

04.23 pm KST

Di depan altar, terlihat sepasang pengantin yang sedang bertukar cincin. Dan kini giliran sang mempelai wanita yang memasangkan cincin di jari manis sang pria.

Cincin emas putih itupun terjatuh sebelum terpasang di jemari manis milik pria yang kini memakai tuxedo putih tersebut.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Korean alphabet (Vowels)

Vowels (모음 / moeum )
We can write vowel with 3 element. sky, earth and human. sky is dot (.), earth is horizontal line (-), and human is vertical line (l).

korean language consists of 14 basic vowels, and 7 coumpound vowels. There is some vowels that write with double vowels romanization that has a special pronounciation.

Now coming to alphabets in Korean Language. Below is the list of Korean Vowels. The initial 14 are the basic vowels.

Pronounciation :

I'll write the romanization and the pronounciation.... the hangul... you can check at the picture above.
Basic Vowels......
1. a -> is write human than sky. a short horizontal line is called sky too. and it will pronounced as 'a' at car.
2. ya -> is write human than double sky. and pronounced as 'ya' at yards.
3. eo -> is write sky than hyuman. and pronounced as 'O' at on.
4. yo -> is write double sky than human
5. o -> write human than land. and its pronounced as 'o' at song.
6. yo -> write double sky than land. it's pronounced as 'yo' at yoga.
7. u -> write land than sky. it's pronounced as 'u' at put.
8. yu -> write land than double sky. it's pronounced as 'you'.
9. eu -> write land. pronounced as 'e' at perth.
10. i  -> write human. it's pronounced as 'i' at pig
11. ae -> write double human than sky between it. Its pronounced as 'a' at nail
12. e -> write sky than double human. the pronounciation is almost same with 'ae', you not need to make it different cuz its almost same but you must remember its diferent character.
13. yae -> write double human than double sky between it. it's pronounced as 'ye' at yen.
14. ye -> write double sky than double human. the pronounciation is almost same as yae.

Coumpound vowels...............
1. wa -> write as combination between o and a. it's pronounced as 'wa' at war
2. wae -> write as combination between o and ae. it's pronounced as 'we' at web
3. wo -> write as combination between u and eo. it's pronounced as 'wa' at wall 
4. we -> write as combination between u and e. it's pronounced as 'whe' at when
5. oe -> write as combination between o and e but its write as combination between o an i. it's pronounced as 'we' at wet 
6. wi -> write as combination between u and i, it's pronounced as will 
7. ui -> write as combination between eu and i.

posted by : @LeeSoYoung_soe
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