cast :
- Kim A-Ra
- YouKyoung (AOA)
- Jung Yong Hwa (CN Blue)
- Lee JongHyun (CN Blue)
- Lee JungShin (CN Blue)
- Kang Min Hyuk (CN Blue)
- AOA Members
- Another cast
genre :
fun, semi real.
Author :
type :
this is just a fan fiction not a reality...... but some of the situation and place are based on reality... have a nice time to read.... ^_^ Hope u like it
"hm...... This is my first time I go far away alone..... arghhh.... it feels that it would be interesting since I have prepare everything.... Korea...... South Korea..... yes here I'am now..... hm.... I must find my bus and than call my friend. hm....... hope that everything will be okay ....." A girl thoughts
#tuuuuuttttt.... tuuuuttttt (dial tone)
"annyeonghaseyo, yeoboseyo?" a girl speak on the other side.
"Youkyoung-a!!! jeoyeyo... A-Ra yeyo!!!" A-Ra replied it.
"Ah... A-ra-ya!!! eodieso??" YouKyoung asked her.
"Jeo neun... jeo neun..... mmm jamshiman.... mmm...." A-Ra looking for a good place to mention.... she looking a restaurant names that easy to read.
"ah..... I'm infront of "Kona Beans" caffe.... mmm the other side...... I mean there is road between us." A-ra said.
"Okey... Stay there... dont moved until I come!!!" YouKyoung said. than she hurried out of her house. just take his her bag, lock the door, and run to the parking place.
"aish... where are you....!!!! eodieyo!!!" Youkyoung mumbleing while she looking at her car keys. "Aish" she keep looking at it. "aaaa igeoneun!!" she shouted when she found it in her T-sirts pocket.
"hmmmmm soooo long...... heollllll" A-ra mumbled cus she has waiting for more than 30 minutes.
"A-Ra!!!!" A girl call her from the other side when she playing her mobilephone.
"ne???" A-ra Said. "Aaaaaa YouKyoung-aaaaaa!!!" She shouted.
"Ne... Jeoyeyo!!" Youkyoung said while he walk to the place where A-ra waiting her.
"hei!!!! how are u?" Said Youkyoung while she hugs A-ra.
"jal jinaeseo......" Ara replied soon after Youkyoung release her.
"kaja!! follow me....." YouKyoung Shouted while she bring A-ra's Suitcase.
"Ok..." A-ra replied whil she bring the other and follow her to the car.
"come! get it here!" YouKyoung said and put the bags on the backseat.
"come in!!" she Shouted so that A-ra enter her car.
"igeoneun neoei jadongcha?? jinjjayo? you not rent this?" A-ra asked.
"ne??? aniyo!!! of chourse this mine!" YouKyoung replied while she's driving
In the car they have a lot of conversation. Talking about they activities before they meet. Yes.... YouKyoung is A-ra's childhood friend. before she moved to Jakarta cuz of her father's job. A-ra's father are South Korean embassy employee. He Always moving to another country and the last 7 years are lived at Jakarta, Indonesia.
A-ra leaved Korea since she was 6 years old. and now she is 20 years old.
"Kaja!!!" YouKyoung said after she parked her cat in front of a building.
"you lived here??" A-Ra asked her.
"hm hm" YouKyoung noded.
A-ra followed Youkyoung inside the building while she bring her bags. YouKyoung lead her while bring her suitcase.
"YouKyoung-ah......." She called.
"ne?" Youkyoung replied.
"Igeoneun eodieyo??" She asked.
"igeo??? mmmmm..... my house? mmmm my appartement? mmmmm ani ani...... my dorm" she replied.
"dorm??" She said confusely.
"hahahahaha.... just follow me and I'll tell u later" YouKyoung Said.
"ah... ara" she replied.
"Annyeong!!!! jibe wasseo!!!" Youkyoung shouted while she open the door. "kaja... " Youkyoung said to her to enter the dorm.
"Annyeonghaseyo" A-ra said when she knows there are some people in the dorm while she bow.
"ah annyeong!!! eoseo oseyo!!!" said a girl with blond hair while she eat her lunch.
"YouKyoung eonni, eodieseo??" Ask another girl which has long black hair.
"I'll tell u later. after done with these bags" Youkyoung replied.
"lets me help you" another girl apear from another room while she pick up a bag from the floor.
"ah... u not need to do that." A-ra said.
"gwaechanayo!!!!" that girl replied while bring that bag to a room.
"A-ra-yaaaaa!!! Kaja!!!!" Youkyoung shouted.
"ah.... ne...!" A-ra replied while she bring the other bags.
"Put it there!!" Youkyoung said while pointing an edge of the room where her suitcase are.
"OK!" she replied.
"gamsahamnida" She said to the girl that heped her bring her bag in.
"ne, anieyo" that girl replied happily.
"nuguyo??" A-ra asked when the girl out.
"ah... that is Mina. she is a pretty girl. and she is so kind but looks like a child" Youkyoung replied.
"ah... ara" She said.
"take a bath than we have some lunch!" Youkyoung ordered.
"Ok" she replied than take some clothes, towel, and her toiletry from her bags.
"Youkyoung-aaaaaaaaaa!" Some one shouted from the dinning room.
"ne....?" she replied calmly while sit at the chair.
"nuguseyo?" The other asked.
"ah... my childhood friend. she back after long time didn't meet." She replied.
"ah..... ne... ara" the other replied.
"ireumeun???" ask the other.
"Kim A-Ra" Youkyoung said.
"a-a-annyeong...." A-ra came out from the room.
"annyeong!!!" all girls replied together.
"finish??" Youkyoung asked.
"ne..." A-ra said while she smile.
"come sit here" Youkyoung said while she point a chair beside her.
"OK" A-ra said
"hm..... everybody.... this is Kim A-ra. A-ra... igeoneun Choa eonni, Jimin eonni, Hyejong, Mina, Seolhyun, and that one is Chanmi" Youkyoung introduce A-ra to all her friends and her friends to A-ra.
"annyeong... mannaseo bangapseumnida" A-ra Said.
"mannaseo bangapseumnida" All said together again.
"hahahahahaha" youkyoung laughing when she look at the A-ra's face that show her surprised cuz the other girls replied her together in a good way.
"waeyo???" A-ra said.
"your face so funny... hahahaha don't so surprised...... they are Girl band here. it was a normal thing here." Youkyoung explained.
"aaaa.... geuraeyo...." A-ra said.
"Hi.... I'm Mina.... nice to know you.... i hope u can sleep with You-eonni... she snoreing loudly" Mina said teasing YouKyoung.
"ah.... hi... I'm A-ra. nice to meet you. hhm.... don't worry I have this" A-ra said while she pointing at the headphone on her neck.
"ah..... joayo!!!" Mina said.
"Aish!!! come on!!! I'm not that bad...." YouKyoung complained.
"Jibe waseo!!!" A girl shoutes while open the front door.
"eoseo oseyo!!!" All girls said together but not with Youkyoung.
"Yuna eonni!!! eottaeyo??" Mina said to that girl.
"hm.... good.... everything is fine." Yuna replied.
"ah we have a new friend here... this is A-ra... YouKyoung's friends." Say Jimin to Yuna.
"annyeong" A-ra said.
"annyeong... yuna imnida" yuna said.
"ah... A-ra imnida" A-ra replied while she stand and bow a lil.
"so... she is our new member???" Yuna asked.
"ani eonni?????" seolhyun said while she laugh.
"she is Youkyoung's friends that just arived here today." Choa explained.
"Ah.. ne ara... I'll take a bath than joining." Yuna said while she walk to her room.
"so........ can you tell us about your self A-ra eonni??" Seolhyun asked.
"m.... Ok but before that I'll asked did we have meet before?? its feels like all of u familiar." A-ra said.
"we are....?? mmm may be not. but if you are browsing at the internet... you will find us. we are AOA... Ace of angels" Jimin Said.
"ah..... geuraeyo....." A-ra said while she try to remembered. "Aigo!!!! so the Y is You?" she pointing at Youkyoung.
"ne...." youkyoung said whil her mouth full of food.
"Babo me!!! I'm not realize it??? aishhhhhh" A-ra said.
"maybe" Youkyoung said.
"eonni.... tell us!!!" Mina asking her with a cute way.
"Ok... what u want to know??"
*Goodbye darling Hey You
OH My darling Hey You
Jugeul mankkeum saranghae
Jebal naege dorawa jweo
Neoman anikka~
Dashi hanbeonman love forever
"hei whose phone is that??? who change the ringtone??" Chaanmi said.
"aduh..... Igeoneun je handeuponiyeyo." A-ra said while she pick it up.
"hello..... ne.... I'm here... at Seoul.... waeyo?" She said.
"please.... I know this city.... I'm at my frieds house." she said again.
"I'll see you the day after tommorow!" She said again replying.
"don't worry!!! bye!!" She said while push the end button on her phone.
"eonniya.... what happen?" mina asking calmly.
"aniyo.... nothing... just a lil bit trouble with my familly." A-ra said.
"you have familly here?" Chanmi asked.
"ne.... my aunt." A-ra replied with a cold tone.
"ah ne.... arraseo" chanmi said.
All people are in their own activity now..... they give a time to coolingdown for A-ra. Youkyoung still eat her lunch, Mina playing game on her gadget, Chanmi and Seolhyun are dancing imitating the Girl band on the television, Choa reading a newspaper, Jimin playing her guitar, Hyejong still using her beauty mask in her face, While yuna still at her room.
"mmmm...... why so quiet?" A-ra said after realize what happened.
"Nothing eonni" mina replied than she smile warmly.
"Eonniya... are you okay??" Chanmi asked.
"Ne, gwaenchanayo" A-ra said. Chanmi and Mina smile after A-ra said that she is fine.
"ah.... can we move there?" A-ra asked while pointing a sofa infront of the television.
"come" Chanmi said.
"Ok I'll tell u about my self" A-ra said.
"this will heard like a folk story.... hahahah" She continued while Ghanmi, Mina and Seolhyun that sit around her noded.
"I'm a korean. but My step mother are indonesian. My mother died a few hours after I born. and I'm Grow up with my Grandma until 6 years old. Youkyoung are my best friend. I think she more than it. She is my sister. after it my father must moved to japan, egypt, USA, Dutch, and the last is Indonesia. I'm arived at Indonesia when I was 13 I think. and my father meet my step mother there. She is a kind woman. My father died 1 year ago. and my ount said that I must back to Korea but I feel better when i was with my mother. I feel uncomfort with my aunt since halmeonnie wad died. and few weeks ago my mom said that I must back to Korea. My aunt forced her to make me back here. cuz I feel uncomfort so I try to contact Youkyoung by her mail. and here I am now" A-ra explaining.
"A...... geuraeyo" Mina said.
"but eonnie you must meet your aunt soon." Seolhyun suggested.
"ne, majayo. but I'll make a preparation first before I meet her." A-ra said.
"ne, eon, joayo" Chanmi added.
"hmmmmm....... " A-ra Smiled.
annyeonghaseyo / Annyeong = hi, hello, good afternoon, how are you?, Good evening.
yeoboseyo = hello / who is this? (on the phone call)
jeoyeyo = Its me.
eodieseo? = where are you?
jamshiman = wait
Jal jinaeseo = I'm fine
igeoneun neoei jadongcha?? = is this your car
jinjjayo? = really?
kaja = come on, lets go
ne = yes
aniyo = no
eoseo oseyo!!! = welcome!!
jibe wasseo! = I'm home!!
ne, majayo = you were right
joayo = I like it, thats good.
eonni / eon = younger sister call her older sister (young girl call older woman)
ara / arraseo = I understand
halmeoni = grand mother
aduh = auch (indonesian)
Thanks for reading ^_^ Sorry for the bad english. Hope u like it and Hope can post the next chapter soon ^_^ see you ^_^
Please leave your comment..... Gamsahamnida....... ^_^
posted by : @LeeSoYoung_soe
Facebook Fan Page : SoYoung The Kpopers
Please take full Credit if you share this.... credit me SoYoungTheKPopers.blogspot.com
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