Friday, December 13, 2013
"The Burning Seoul" - chapter 4 : New neighbor's Party
cast :
- Kim A-Ra
- YouKyoung (AOA)
- Jung Yong Hwa (CN Blue)
- Lee JongHyun (CN Blue)
- Lee JungShin (CN Blue)
- Kang Min Hyuk (CN Blue)
- AOA Members
- Juniel
- FT Island Members
- Another cast
genre :
fun, semi real.
Author :
type :
this is just a fan fiction not a reality...... but some of the situation and place are based on reality... have a nice time to read.... ^_^ Hope u like it
4.oo PM @Caffe
"hyeong" JungShin said to YongHwa.
"ne?" YongHwa repliesd.
"See JongHyun Hyeong, look at him!" JungShin said.
Monday, June 24, 2013
"The Burning Seoul" - chapter 3 : New neighbor
cast :
- Kim A-Ra
- YouKyoung (AOA)
- Jung Yong Hwa (CN Blue)
- Lee JongHyun (CN Blue)
- Lee JungShin (CN Blue)
- Kang Min Hyuk (CN Blue)
- AOA Members
- Another cast
genre :
fun, semi real.
Author :
type :
this is just a fan fiction not a reality...... but some of the situation and place are based on reality... have a nice time to read.... ^_^ Hope u like it
*9.oo pm KST
"hyeong!!!!!" a man said.
"ne?" the other man replied.
"do you know that we have a new neoghbor?" he said.
"Hyukie.... I'm your hyeong, of chourse I know it" the other said.
"aish YeongHwa hyeong....." MinHyuk said aegyoing.
"her name is Kim A-Ra." YeongHwa added.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
"The Burning Seoul" - chapter 2 : The exhausting day
cast :
- Kim A-Ra
- YouKyoung (AOA)
- Jung Yong Hwa (CN Blue)
- Lee JongHyun (CN Blue)
- Lee JungShin (CN Blue)
- Kang Min Hyuk (CN Blue)
- AOA Members
- Another cast
genre :
fun, semi real.
Author :
type :
this is just a fan fiction not a reality...... but some of the situation and place are based on reality... have a nice time to read.... ^_^ Hope u like it
6.00 AM
"A-Ra-Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!" YouKyoung Shouted Out Loud under her blanket.
"ne.....??" A-Ra said calmly.
"A-Ra-Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!" YouKyoung Shouted Out Loud in front of her drum now which is A-Ra sit at her Drums chair.
"aaaaa neeeee????" A-ra said realize that Youkyoung are standing infront of her now. She smiled when she looked at YouKyung's face,
"The Burning Seoul" - chapter 1 : Seoul I'm Home

cast :
- Kim A-Ra
- YouKyoung (AOA)
- Jung Yong Hwa (CN Blue)
- Lee JongHyun (CN Blue)
- Lee JungShin (CN Blue)
- Kang Min Hyuk (CN Blue)
- AOA Members
- Another cast
genre :
fun, semi real.
Author :
type :
this is just a fan fiction not a reality...... but some of the situation and place are based on reality... have a nice time to read.... ^_^ Hope u like it
"hm...... This is my first time I go far away alone..... arghhh.... it feels that it would be interesting since I have prepare everything.... Korea...... South Korea..... yes here I'am now..... hm.... I must find my bus and than call my friend. hm....... hope that everything will be okay ....." A girl thoughts
#tuuuuuttttt.... tuuuuttttt (dial tone)
"annyeonghaseyo, yeoboseyo?" a girl speak on the other side.
"Youkyoung-a!!! jeoyeyo... A-Ra yeyo!!!" A-Ra replied it.
"Ah... A-ra-ya!!! eodieso??" YouKyoung asked her.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Indonesian Talk In Korean (Level 1-17) [Past tense]
nah kalo level 1-16 kita belajar merubah kata kerja ke dalam bentuk present tense maka sekarang kita akan belajar mengubah kata kerja ke dalam past tense hehe atau bentuk lampau...
nah kalo kemaren menggunakan
아요 (ayo) atau 어요 (eoyo) atau 여요 (yeoyo)
sekarang ini dia yang kita gunakan
Indonesian Talk In Korean (Level 1-16) [Present tense]
nah kali ini kita belajar bagaimana mengubah kata kerja menjadi bentuk present tense hehehe kalo bahasa indonesianya apa ya?? mosok bentuk sekarang gitu?? hehehe
berikut beberapa kata kerja korea dalam bentuk kamus (dict. form)
가다 [ga-da] = pergi
먹다 [meok-da] = makan
자다 [ja-da] = tidur
Korean Learn (Level 3 part 9) [similar...... with verbs]
In the previous lesson, we looked at how to use 같아요 [ga-ta-yo] after nouns to mean “it looks like” or “it seems to be” something.
커피 같아요. [keo-pi ga-ta-yo.] = It looks like coffee. / I think it’s coffee.
저 사람 소연 씨 같아요. [ jeo sa-ram so-yeon ssi ga-ta-yo.] = That person looks like So-yeon. / I think that person is So-yeon.
In the examples above, both 커피
Korean Learn (Level 3 part 8) [similar... with noun]
Now, we are going to look at how to say that something is like or looks like something
else. (i.e. “You are like an angel,” “This looks like coffee,” or “You are like my teacher.”)
First, let’s look at how to say that something is similar to something else.
비슷하다 [bi-seu-ta-da] = to be similar
- Present tense: 비슷해요 [bi-seu-tae-yo] = it is similar
In order to say that A is similar to B, you need to use a particle that means “with” or “together
with”, which is -랑 or -하고.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Korean Learn (Level 3 part 7) [so.....]
Now, we are going to look at another verb ending that you can use to connect two or more verbs in one sentence. We learned the verb ending -고 [-go] in one of our previous part; -고 [-go] is used to connect independent actions and states together in one sentence, but they do not necessarily have a strong logical relation to each other.
On the other hand, the verb ending we are looking at in this lesson, -아/어/여+서, is a verb
ending that can show logical relation between the verbs.
Korean Learn (Level 3 part 6) [Will vs Will]
Through our previous Part, we have learned how to use the future tense. Now, we are introducing one more way of talking about a future action and looking at how the two ways of talking about the future are different.
-(으)ㄹ 거예요 vs. -(으)ㄹ게요
If you pronounce -(으)ㄹ 거예요 [-(eu)l geo-ye-yo] very quickly, it sounds similar to -(으)ㄹ게요
[-(eu)l-ge-yo], so a lot of beginner-level
Monday, March 25, 2013
SUPERSHOW5 Seoul Day 1 (130323)
Annyeonghaseyo Chingu deul...... Annyeonghaseyo ELFs.... I try to make this post.... hope that this will make ELFs feel better cuz most of us Can't watch The SS5SeoulDAY1
*I'm just make it all in one post..... all credit are at the last of post.... I'm not edited all twit that they post.... just Copy paste it here ^_^
SS5SEOUL day1,
Super Junior,
Super Show 5,
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Indonesian Talk In Korean (Level 1-14) [apa yang akan kau lakukan?]
nah kalo di level 1-13 udah belajar mengatakan "aku ingin melakukan ....." dalam bahasa korea nah sekarang kita akan berlatih menggunaknnya dengan kata2 lain dan contoh2 lain
nah ini ada 5 kata kerja yang sering digunakan
하다 (hada) = melakukan
보다 (boda) = melihat
Korean Learn (Level 3 part 5) [About : aproximately : around]
In this part, we are going to look at how to say “approximately” or “about” when you talk
about quantity, frequency, time, etc. There are many different ways you can say this in Korean,
but the most commonly used expression is 쯤 [ jjeum].
In English, “about”, “approximately”, and “around” are used BEFORE nouns. However, in Korean,
the word 쯤 [ jjeum] is used AFTER nouns.
1 o’clock = 한 시 [han si]
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